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Murat Erdemsel & Silvina Tse
Murats Tango journey started in Istanbul in 1998. He is known for his insightful, thorough and analytical understanding of dance. Murat's background in visual arts and music sharpened his senses enormously and today they form a perfect blend for musicality in dance and the movement of bodies through time and space.
Murat's teaching philosophy aims to provide students with valuable tools to take control of their own personal development. He is warm, thoughtful, entertaining and approachable to students. The style of his teaching is holistic in approach and clear in method.
He successfully combines technical and sensory exercises with fundamental concepts that lead to all challenging possibilities of improvisation and expression.
As can be seen in his own dance, he focuses on the origin of the movement that emerges from the connection of the embrace. Murat has created a unique concept that is characterized by musicality, playfulness, a balanced couple relationship and an awareness of social etiquette.
A young civil engineering graduate, she decides to give up this career to develop professionally her love for the Argentine tango, which she has been dancing for several years. She deepens her studies in Rome and Buenos Aires, preferring the milonguero and salon tango styles of Pablo Garcia, without neglecting the wide and open lines of modern tango. Silvina has danced and collaborated with Michael Nadtochi in the United States and they have been invited to tango festivals in Europe and Asia together. She is currently working internationally with Murat Erdemsel and is regularly invited to festivals in Europe, Asia and America as a teacher and performer. She is particularly appreciated for her tango style, characterized by long, soft and elegant lines.
Martin Maldonado
& Maurizio Ghella
Martin Maldonado and Maurizio Ghella are an extraordinary pair of dancers. Passionate and expressive, they explore all the possibilities of tango and are a contemporary inspiration for the entire tango community, not just the queer one, with its elegant and vibrant approach.Argentinians by origin, currently based in Vienna/Austria.
Martin & Maurizio efforts can be summarized in a message that TANGO IS FOR EVERYBODY, without distinctions or labeling. Metaphorically speaking, the research focuses on working with the body as a soul liberating tool, and the soul cannot be labeled.
Cedric Tellier
& Charlotte Pédrant
Charlotte Pédrant is a professional dancer for classical ballet, jazz, cabaret, pole dance and of course tango, which she has been dancing and teaching in Marseille for 17 years. She learned Cédric in a class for ... pole dance!
Cédric Tellier, on the other hand, teaches martial arts (Kung Fu, Tai Ji Quan) and several dances, including tango, which he has been teaching for years in Marseille and at international festivals to which he is invited with his partner. They are valued for their pedagogy and their modern and accessible approach to this discipline, respecting tradition but not closing it, resolutely oriented towards creativity and the future.
Alejandro Larenas
& Marisol Morales
Das Erkunden war eine Mission, das Verstehen eines Bedürfnisses und das Erlernen eines Wunsches.
Ihre Studien waren immer von der Neugier motiviert, die Entwicklung des Tangos von seinen Wurzeln her zu verstehen.
Ihr Tanz reicht von reiner Tradition bis hin zu atemberaubender Innovation. Reich an Musikalität, makelloser Technik und einer sehr geschickten und präzisen Lehrmethode zur Erklärung dieses beliebten Tanzes. Beim Tanzen dreht sich alles um Improvisation!
Während der Pandemie veranstalteten sie Online-Seminare, die den Menschen dabei halfen, Tango als Tanzkultur zu verstehen. Sie teilten ihre persönliche Suche auf sozialer und ausdrucksstarker Ebene, Kuriositäten der Tangomusik und die Analyse des Tanzes und seiner Struktur. Sie haben einmal mehr bewiesen, dass ein Problem in eine Chance verwandelt werden kann. Diese einschneidende Erfahrung, die wir alle in diesen zwei Jahren gemacht haben, gibt uns die Chance, Schülern dabei zu helfen, tief in den Tango einzutauchen.
Marisol nahm an der Diplomatur des Instituto Argentino de Tango 2021 teil, wo sie einen Vortrag hielt, um ihre Forschung über die Entwicklung des Tangotanzes im goldenen Zeitalter vorzustellen.
Alejandro und Marisol begannen 1998 mit dem Tangotanzen, 2004 kreuzten sich ihre Wege und sie wurden ein professionelles Paar.
Seitdem unterrichten und treten sie an renommierten Orten in Buenos Aires wie Club Gricel, La Ideal, Cochabamba 444, La Viruta Tango, Salon Canning, Practica X, El Motivo Tango, Viva la Pepa Milonga und bei der Show „Tango new“ auf Generation“ im Rahmen des CITA International Tango Festival (2006, 2007) und des Misterio Tango Festival Argentina (2017).
Sie haben mehr als 35 Tango-Tourneen rund um die Welt unternommen, um an Seminaren, Shows und Tango-Festivals teilzunehmen, darunter Höhepunkte: Montreal Tango Festival (2006 - 2009), Internationales Festival von Rimini (2009), 13. Hamburger Tango-Festival (2010). , 14 Anniversary Universo Tango (2011), San Remo Tango Festival (2010), TangOtoño Innsbruck (2010), Tangoconsharm, Ägypten (2010), The Smith Tango Festival in Santa Monica, Los Angeles. (2010), Internationale Tangowoche Istanbul (2011). Festivalito de Primavera, Zürich (2012). Tangofestival Lissabon (2013). Marca de Tango Festival, Treviso. (2013–2018). Washington Tango Weekend (2014), Istanbul Tango Experience (2015), Pisa Tango Festival (2015), Meditango Festival, Roma (2015), Days of Tango Festival Sankt Petersburg (2015-2016), Philadelphia Tango Festival (2016), Australischer Tango Festival (2017), Toronto Tango Festival (2014-2016-2019), Porteño Tango Week in Sydney (2019), Karlsruhe Tango Festival (2019), Beijing Tango Marathon und Seminar (2019). Romantica Istanbul Festival 2022. Bailongo Tango Festival 2023.
Im Jahr 2011 begannen sie mit der Zusammenarbeit an der Tangoschule Tangart in Athen. Seit 2019 sind sie Teil der Leitung dieser Schule.
Um mehr über ihre Aktivitäten in Athens Tangart zu erfahren, können Sie dem Link folgen:
Promotion videos:
Show in Athens
Couples challenge Acepto el reto
Toronto Festival
Firenze encuentro
New Montreal Bailongo Tango Festival
New Buenos Aires 2023
For more videos you can check our YouTube channel.
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